Ep. 11 & 12: CNBC Anchor Jon Fortt, Married to a Korean-American Woman, Discusses Raising Kids Empowered in their Racial Identities (Bonus Episode)

Are you concerned about raising children in our racially fraught country? If so, join me for an inspiring conversation with CNBC anchor Jon Fortt, the co-host of Squawk Alley. Jon will share how he's teaching his kids to be empowered in their racial identity.

In the wake of the George Floyd killing, Jon decided to teach his sons, ages 10 and 12, how to survive in America. He created an 18-lesson course called The Black Experience in America, which he taught his children and their friends. The Course is currently available at Fortt Media and will soon be available at various schools and in a corporate setting. Jon and his wife also participate in many Korean traditions, and took their sons to Korea to learn about their roots. 

In episode 1, Jon discusses how his parents encouraged his racial identity. He also shares about raising kids who are wholly black and wholly Korean, and teaching kids about racism without traumatizing them. 

In Part 2, Jon discusses how he maintains hope in the face of racism, how Asian Americans can help their children understand their racial identities, and the importance of learning from other cultures.


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Ep. 13: Season 2 Kickoff - Happiness Tips, Show Update and Preview


Ep. 10: Lessons Learned, New Year's Resolutions and Looking Ahead